If you have landed up at this page and wondering what the heck is this, its probably because you typed in "WarbirdsofIndia.com" and ended up here. For those looking for that site - please use the short URL Warbirds.IN and it will take you to that site.
The original warbirdsofindia.com came under a DDoS attack a few days ago and the host had suspended the account. the url now points to this blog - temporarily i hope while I look around for solutions.
In the mean time you can get to warbirds by typing the short url warbirds.in or by clicking on the facebook badge on the top and following any of the links to the site.
Sorry for this detour!
The original warbirdsofindia.com came under a DDoS attack a few days ago and the host had suspended the account. the url now points to this blog - temporarily i hope while I look around for solutions.
In the mean time you can get to warbirds by typing the short url warbirds.in or by clicking on the facebook badge on the top and following any of the links to the site.
Sorry for this detour!