After downloading two years worth of issues and going through them, some interesting nuggets turned up. Being in Delhi they have access to all the Air Force events and have several photographs from the Parades. One of the is as follows:
This is the first time I am seeing a Kh-29 Air to Surface Missile mated onto a MiG-27ML of the Indian Air Force. While MiG-23s and 27s were known to carry this munition, it has never before been seen mounted on an Indian MiG-27 in public before. While the missile itself is on display in the Museum and had been showcased in photographs or republic day parades as a seperate entity, this is certainly the first time it is shown mounted on a MiG-27, and that too a plain vanilla non-upgraded MiG-27.
Yes, the missile does look like an inert example. It had never been shown being fired in any of the IAF's FPD, and any that were acquired in the 80s are probably time expired by now, but hey - lets savour the moment - an ASM on the good old Bahadur - never seen in twenty years but now out in the public!